marți, 28 decembrie 2010
Din cate stim noi merge instalat Windows XP pe un sistem MAC, insa invers este ceva mai greu. Totusi, pentru fanii MAC Leopard care nu au posibilitatea de a-si procura unul, exista o metoda foarte simpla de transformare a temei grafice Windows
XP in Leopard :)
Download: LeopardXP Skin > download link <
Dezarhivati fisierul de mai sus, apoi rulati executabilele din continutul folderului.
*Pentru a schimba style-ul / tema Windows-ului, nu uitati ca aveti nevoie de o aplicatie care prin care sa patch-uiti sistemul.
Theme Patcher .
XP in Leopard :)
Download: LeopardXP Skin > download link <
Dezarhivati fisierul de mai sus, apoi rulati executabilele din continutul folderului.
*Pentru a schimba style-ul / tema Windows-ului, nu uitati ca aveti nevoie de o aplicatie care prin care sa patch-uiti sistemul.
Theme Patcher .
Construiţi oraşe minunate,
formaţi alianţe puternice,
folosiţi puterea zeilor,
cuceriţi lumea!
formaţi alianţe puternice,
folosiţi puterea zeilor,
cuceriţi lumea!
TERA online
TERA online este cntinuarea la Lineage2,adica TERA online este Lineage3.Jocul necesita un PC performant dar merge si pe WindowsXP/2000/Vista/Mac
Deocamdata merge descarcat doar de pe siteurile TORENT.
Contul poate fi facut pe siteul oficial:
Jocul are 10G cu tot cu pachuri.
Deocamdata merge descarcat doar de pe siteurile TORENT.
Contul poate fi facut pe siteul oficial:
Jocul are 10G cu tot cu pachuri.
Fallen Earth
Fallen Earth este un Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game cu o actiune ce se desfasoara pe un Pamant post-apocaliptic din anul 2156. In zona Marelui Canion, un numar restrans de ocupanti se vor lupta pentru supravietuire intr-o lume plina de radiatii si mutanti.
Worl of warcraft
World of Warcraft reprezinta o experienta unica a unui joc MMORPG in cunoscutul univers Warcraft. Jucatorii, intra in rolul eroilor Warcraft in cautarea de aventuri, questuri si monstrii.
Indiferent de spusele multor jucatori, care probabil s-au plictisit dupa ani de jucat acest joc, World of Warcraft este inca un joc de referinta al genului fiind si dupa 6 ani in top
Indiferent de spusele multor jucatori, care probabil s-au plictisit dupa ani de jucat acest joc, World of Warcraft este inca un joc de referinta al genului fiind si dupa 6 ani in top
luni, 27 decembrie 2010
Tlbb online
Tlbb online este un joc mmorpg cu arte martiale facut de CHANGYOU(China).
In joc sunt 9 clase-Assasin
-Beggars Alliance
-Lotus Order
In joc sunt peste 5000 de animale(de companie)+(peste 100 de mounts(animale de calarit)
Jocul necesita Windowsxp/2000/Windows7.(DirectX9.0)
In joc sunt 9 clase-Assasin
-Beggars Alliance
-Lotus Order
In joc sunt peste 5000 de animale(de companie)+(peste 100 de mounts(animale de calarit)
Jocul necesita Windowsxp/2000/Windows7.(DirectX9.0)
Warhamer online
Chiar daca nu are un trecut prea stralucit, datorita lipsei unui numar mare de jucatori, fiind nevoiti sa imbine serverele Europene cu cele Americane, Warhammer Online este un joc unic care ofera una dintre cele mai intense experiente PvP intr-un univers captivant.
Fiind predecesorul jocului Dark Age of Camelot, Mythic a imbunatatit gameplay-ul Realm vs. Realm ducand-ul la un alt nivel.
Fiind predecesorul jocului Dark Age of Camelot, Mythic a imbunatatit gameplay-ul Realm vs. Realm ducand-ul la un alt nivel.
Perfect world
Perfect World Internationat aduna mai mult de 50 milioane jucatori in lumea intreaga si este unul dintre cele mai de succes MMORPG-uri 3D. In Perfect World, jucatorii pot explora imensa lume online
Archlord este un MMORPG free-to-play de prima clasa,care permite jucatorilor sa descarce si sa joaca jocul gratuit fara taxe lunare sau alte plati. MMORPG-ul provoaca mii de jucatori in fiecare luna sa isi creeze o armata, sa se intreaca si sa devina conducatorul suprem jocului (Archlord), iar cu acest titlu sa conduca intreaga lume avand impact asupra vietii sutelor de mii de jucatori.
Atlantica online
Atlantica Online este un MMORPG turn-based, unde jucatorii incep calatoria pentru gasirea relicvelor lui Atlanti pentru a le distruge. Explorand mai mult, jucatorii descopera propia legatura cu orasul pierdut. Atlantica Online ofera jucatorilor un combat turn-based, un sistem de angajare mercenari pentru a ajuta in lupta si un sistem de management teritorial sau al oraselor.. In batalie, jucatorii pot controla pana la noua caractere si pot forma echipe de cate trei, astfel, caracterele total pe care le poti controla ajungand la 27. Sistemul mercenar, introduce un nou element in lumea jocurilor MMORPG, unde jucatorii trebuie sa aive grija de nivelul de crestere al fiecarui caracter in parte.
Battle of immortals
Battle of the Immortals este un action MMORPG care imbina mitologia Nordica cu Dinastia Qin. Jocul are o multitudine de trasaturi, precum animalele de companie, de calarit, combatul PVP si un sistem de autonavigare care este foarte util misiunilor. Printre altele mai avem si obiectele Soul prin care echipamentul obtine experienta si creste prin folosire. In plus, sistemul Zodiac, permite jucatorilor puteri speciale de un anumit fel depinzand de ziua de nastere selectata de jucator.
Runes of magic
Cu o multitudine de trasaturi, Runes of Magic a redesenat standardul titlurilor free-to-play. Runes of Magic propune o poveste interesanta prin mai mult de 1600 misiuni si o lume fantastica incitanta si plina de pericole. Runes of Magic este un MMORPG fantasy, fara costuri lunare si disponibil gratuit pentru dowload
Lord of the rings online
Razboiul inelului ia amploare in Middle-Earth si cum Fratia Inelului a plecat in aventura care va schimba radical istoria pe care o stim, este timpul ca noi eroi sa puna mana pe arme si sa ajute la salvarea Middle-Earth.
Dupa mai mult de 3 ani in care Lord of the Rings Online (LOTRO) a urmat modelul pay to play si dupa succesul enorm pe care l-au avut prin transformarea Dungeons and Dragons Online in free to play, Turbine, a adoptat si in LOTRO modelul free to play.
Dupa mai mult de 3 ani in care Lord of the Rings Online (LOTRO) a urmat modelul pay to play si dupa succesul enorm pe care l-au avut prin transformarea Dungeons and Dragons Online in free to play, Turbine, a adoptat si in LOTRO modelul free to play.
duminică, 26 decembrie 2010
Talisman online joc mmorpg pentru cei care nu au destul loc in calculator,necesita doar 385mb.(si e 3D)
Guild Wars
In lupta,abilitatile voastre sunt cea mai puternica arma.
Ele vor fi puse la incercare pe masura ce veti explora intinsul regat Tyria,un taram invadat de creaturi infricosetoare si inamici neinfricati.infrangerea sau victoria vor fi determinate de cat de bine sunteti pregatiti.
Ele vor fi puse la incercare pe masura ce veti explora intinsul regat Tyria,un taram invadat de creaturi infricosetoare si inamici neinfricati.infrangerea sau victoria vor fi determinate de cat de bine sunteti pregatiti.
Nu stiu cat de important este pentru voi acest aspect insa daca doriti sa aveti Windows 7 in limba romana nu trebuie decat sa downloadati urmatoarea arhiva de doar 32.2 MB.
Pentru a instala limba romana in Windows 7 este forte simplu, iata ce trebuie facut:
Iata in continuare link-urile de download ale language pack-urilor atat pentru varianta 32 biti cat si pentru 64 biti.
Link download language pack limba romana Windows 7 – 32 biti (varianta recomandata, uplodata de mine, pentru a elimina timpul de asteptare de pe RapidShare)
Link download language pack limba romana Windows 7 – 64 biti (varianta recomandata, uplodata de mine, pentru a elimina timpul de asteptare de pe RapidShare)
Link download language pack limba romana Windows 7 – 32 biti – RapidShare
Link download language pack limba romana Windows 7 – 64 biti – RapidShare
Intrucat de la scrierea articolului sistemul de operare Windows 7 a evoluat, pentru a instala limba romana nu trebuie sa faceti decat urmatorii pasi – Romanian language pack fiind prezent de altfel in cadrul “Check Optional Updates”:
1. Click pe butonul Start ;
2. Accesati Control Panel ;
3. Accesati “System and Security” ;
4. Click “Windows Update” ;
5. Click pe “Check for Updates” dupa care pe “… optional updates are available” si veti vedea lista cu toate limbile, printre care si limba romana ;
6. Selectati Limba romana si apasati OK ;
7. In cele din urma dati click pe “Install Updates” si asteptati instalarea language pack-ului.
Nu uitati ca dupa ce ati urmat acest procedeu sa dati un restart la calculator .
Enjoy !
Related posts:
Pentru a instala limba romana in Windows 7 este forte simplu, iata ce trebuie facut:
- Downloadati mai intai language pack-ul in limba romana, dupa care extrageti continutul arhivei.
- Intrati in Panoul de Control -> Clock -> Language and Region -> Keyboards and Languages si alegeti Install/Uninstall Languages… .
- In acest punct va apare o fereastra in care va trebui sa alegeti Install display languages.
- Dupa care dati Browse computer or network, si alegeti fisierul care se afla in folderul rezultat in urma dezarhivarii.
Iata in continuare link-urile de download ale language pack-urilor atat pentru varianta 32 biti cat si pentru 64 biti.
Link download language pack limba romana Windows 7 – 32 biti (varianta recomandata, uplodata de mine, pentru a elimina timpul de asteptare de pe RapidShare)
Link download language pack limba romana Windows 7 – 64 biti (varianta recomandata, uplodata de mine, pentru a elimina timpul de asteptare de pe RapidShare)
Link download language pack limba romana Windows 7 – 32 biti – RapidShare
Link download language pack limba romana Windows 7 – 64 biti – RapidShare
Intrucat de la scrierea articolului sistemul de operare Windows 7 a evoluat, pentru a instala limba romana nu trebuie sa faceti decat urmatorii pasi – Romanian language pack fiind prezent de altfel in cadrul “Check Optional Updates”:
1. Click pe butonul Start ;
2. Accesati Control Panel ;
3. Accesati “System and Security” ;
4. Click “Windows Update” ;
5. Click pe “Check for Updates” dupa care pe “… optional updates are available” si veti vedea lista cu toate limbile, printre care si limba romana ;
6. Selectati Limba romana si apasati OK ;
7. In cele din urma dati click pe “Install Updates” si asteptati instalarea language pack-ului.
Nu uitati ca dupa ce ati urmat acest procedeu sa dati un restart la calculator .
Enjoy !
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Free MMORPG games
2029 Online | 2D MMORPG | Sci-Fi | Low | Medium | Good | 2.52 |
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BattleForge | 3D MMO | Fantasy | Medium | Medium | Great | 3.96 |
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BB Tanks | SHUT DOWN | Shooter | Low | Low | Poor | 2.10 |
Beach Volleyball Online | 3D MMO | Sports | Low | Medium | Poor | 2.47 |
Big City Racer | 3D MMO | Racing | Low | Medium | Fair | 3.56 |
Blade Wars | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Low | High | Fair | 2.38 |
Blitz 1941 | 2D MMO | Shooter | Low | Medium | Poor | 2.19 |
Bots | SHUT DOWN | Sci-Fi | Low | Low | Fair | 3.29 |
Bright Shadow | SHUT DOWN | Fantasy | Medium | Medium | Good | 3.21 |
Cabal Online | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | Low | Good | 3.89 |
CardMon Hero | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | Medium | Good | 3.43 |
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Chaos Online | SHUT DOWN | Fantasy | Low | Medium | Fair | 2.54 |
Clone Wars Adventures | 3D MMORPG | Sci-Fi | Medium | Medium | Fair | 2.89 |
Cloud Nine | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | Medium | Great | 3.25 |
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Company of Heroes Online | 3D MMO | Fantasy | Medium | Medium | Great | 3.89 |
Conquer Online | 2D MMORPG | Fantasy | Very High | Medium | Good | 2.96 |
Corum Online | SHUT DOWN | Fantasy | Low | High | Poor | 2.77 |
CosmicBreak | 3D MMO | Shooter | Medium | Medium | Good | 3.77 |
Craft of Gods | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Low | Low | Fair | 2.81 |
Crazy Tao | 2D MMORPG | Fantasy | Low | Very High | Poor | 2.07 |
Cronous | 3D MMORPG | MMORPG | Low | High | Poor | 2.28 |
Cross Fire | 3D MMO | Shooter | Medium | Medium | Good | 3.91 |
Cue Online | SHUT DOWN | Sports | Low | Medium | Good | 3.20 |
Darkeden | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Low | High | Poor | 2.82 |
Deco Online | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Low | Low | Fair | 2.70 |
Deicide Online | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Low | Low | Poor | 2.62 |
Dekaron | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | High | Good | 3.73 |
Destiny Online | 2D MMORPG | Fantasy | Low | High | Fair | 2.47 |
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Dragon Oath | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | High | Medium | Good | 3.25 |
Dragon Raja | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Low | High | Poor | 2.37 |
Dragon Saga | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | Medium | Great | 3.97 |
Dragon Sky | SHUT DOWN | Fantasy | Low | High | Fair | 3.67 |
Dream of Mirror Online (DOMO) | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | Medium | Great | 3.38 |
Dreamlords | 3D MMO | Fantasy | Low | Medium | Fair | 2.79 |
Drift City | 3D MMO | Racing | Low | Medium | Great | 3.89 |
Dungeon Fighter Online | 2D MMO | Fantasy | Medium | Medium | Good | 3.83 |
Dungeon Party | 3D MMO | Fantasy | Low | High | Great | 2.99 |
Dungeon Runners | SHUT DOWN | Fantasy | Low | Medium | Fair | 2.96 |
Dungeons & Dragons Online | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | High | Low | Excellent | 3.91 |
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Endless Online | SHUT DOWN | Fantasy | Low | Low | Poor | 2.09 |
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Face of Mankind | 3D MMORPG | Sci-Fi | Medium | Medium | Fair | 3.81 |
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Fairyland Online | 2D MMORPG | Fantasy | Low | Medium | Poor | 2.32 |
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Florensia | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | High | Low | Great | 3.63 |
Flyff: Fly For Fun | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | High | Medium | Great | 3.43 |
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Galaxy Online | 2D MMO | Sci-Fi | Medium | Low | Fair | 1.99 |
Gates of Andaron | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | Low | Good | 3.32 |
Genesis A.D | 3D MMO | Shooter | Medium | Medium | Great | 4.03 |
GetAmped 2 | 3D MMO | Sports | Medium | Medium | Fair | 3.69 |
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Grand Fantasia | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | Medium | Great | 3.91 |
Great Merchant | 2D MMORPG | Fantasy | Low | Medium | Poor | 2.22 |
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HEAT Online | 3D MMO | Racing | Low | Medium | Good | 3.84 |
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Heroes of Three Kingdoms | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | Medium | Good | 3.73 |
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Holic Online | SHUT DOWN | Fantasy | Low | Low | Good | 3.49 |
HolyBeast Online | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | Low | Good | 3.09 |
Hot Dance Party (Steps) | 3D MMO | Sports | Medium | Medium | Good | 3.20 |
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K.O.S. Secret Operations | 3D MMO | Shooter | Low | Low | Good | 3.65 |
Kal Online | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | Medium | Fair | 3.18 |
Karos Online | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | High | Low | Good | 3.52 |
Kart N' Crazy | SHUT DOWN | Racing | Low | Medium | Good | 2.71 |
Kicks Online | SHUT DOWN | Sports | Low | Low | Poor | 3.49 |
King of Kings 3 | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | High | Good | 3.68 |
Kingdom Heroes | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | High | Good | 3.38 |
Kitsu Saga | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | High | Good | 3.75 |
Knight Online | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | High | Medium | Good | 3.21 |
Kuso Party | 3D MMO | Fantasy | Low | High | Poor | 2.24 |
Land of Chaos Online | 3D MMO | Fantasy | High | Medium | Great | 3.92 |
Last Chaos | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | High | Medium | Good | 3.06 |
LaTale | 2D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | Medium | Great | 3.53 |
League Of Legends | 3D MMO | Fantasy | High | Medium | Excellent | 4.12 |
Legend of Edda | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | Medium | Good | 3.89 |
Legendary Champions | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | High | Good | 3.66 |
Loong: The Power of the Dragon | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | High | Good | 4.00 |
Lost Saga | 3D MMO | Sports | Medium | Medium | Great | 3.88 |
Luminary: Rise of the Goonzu | 2D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | Medium | Good | 3.25 |
Luna Online | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | High | Low | Good | 3.82 |
Lunia | 2D MMO | Fantasy | High | Medium | Great | 3.87 |
Mabinogi | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | High | High | Great | 3.91 |
Magic World Online | 2D MMORPG | Fantasy | High | High | Good | 2.81 |
Manga Fighter | SHUT DOWN | Shooter | Low | Low | Fair | 2.72 |
Maplestory | 2D MMORPG | Fantasy | Very High | Medium | Excellent | 3.76 |
Martial Empires | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | Low | Great | 3.90 |
Martial Heroes | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Low | High | Poor | 2.54 |
MegaTen | 3D MMORPG | Sci-Fi | Medium | Medium | Good | 3.42 |
Mercenary Wars | SHUT DOWN | Shooter | Medium | Low | Poor | 2.98 |
Metin 2 | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Low | High | Fair | 2.69 |
Mini Fighter Online | 2D MMORPG | Sports | Medium | Medium | Good | 3.08 |
Mir 2 | 2D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | Low | Poor | 2.23 |
Mission Against Terror | 3D MMO | Shooter | Medium | Medium | Fair | 3.58 |
MLB Dugout Heroes | 3D MMO | Sports | Low | Medium | Good | 3.28 |
Monato Esprit | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Low | Medium | Fair | 2.87 |
Monster Forest | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | Medium | Good | 3.21 |
Mu Online | 2D MMORPG | Fantasy | High | Medium | Good | 3.33 |
Myst Online: Uru Live | 3D MMO | Fantasy | Low | Low | Fair | 2.84 |
Myth Angels Online | 2D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | High | Fair | 3.19 |
Myth War 2 Online | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Low | High | Fair | 2.44 |
Mytheon | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Low | Low | Great | 3.52 |
Navy Field | 2D MMO | Shooter | Medium | High | Fair | 3.11 |
Need for Speed World | 3D MMO | Racing | High | Medium | Great | 3.98 |
NEO Online | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | Medium | Good | 3.46 |
Neo Steam | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | High | Good | 3.43 |
Nida Online | SHUT DOWN | Fantasy | Low | Very High | Poor | 3.20 |
Nitto 1320 Legends | 2D MMO | Racing | Low | Low | Poor | 3.09 |
NosTale | 2D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | High | Good | 3.65 |
Operation 7 | 3D MMO | Shooter | Medium | Low | Fair | 3.80 |
Osu! | 2D MMO | Sports | Medium | Medium | Good | 3.67 |
Oz World | 3D MMO | Fantasy | Low | Low | Poor | 2.19 |
Pandora Saga | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Low | Medium | Good | 3.33 |
Pangya | 3D MMO | Sports | Medium | Low | Good | 3.63 |
Perfect World | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | High | Low | Great | 3.85 |
Phoenix Dynasty Online (PDO) | SHUT DOWN | Fantasy | Low | High | Fair | 2.45 |
Pi Story | SHUT DOWN | Fantasy | Low | Low | Fair | 2.84 |
Pirates of the Burning Sea | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | Medium | Great | 3.91 |
PlanB | 3D MMO | Sports | Medium | Medium | Good | 3.58 |
Planet Calypso | 3D MMORPG | Sci-Fi | Medium | Low | Great | 3.64 |
PopTag! | 2D MMO | Sports | Low | Medium | Poor | 2.60 |
Priston Tale | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | Medium | Good | 3.06 |
Project Blackout | 3D MMO | Shooter | Medium | Medium | Good | 3.89 |
Project of Planets | 3D MMORPG | Sci-Fi | Low | Medium | Fair | 2.72 |
Project Powder | 3D MMO | Sports | Medium | Medium | Great | 3.89 |
Quake Live | 3D MMO | Shooter | Medium | Medium | Good | 3.58 |
Racing Star: Come On Baby | 3D MMO | Racing | Low | Low | Fair | 2.27 |
Ragnarok Online | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | High | Medium | Excellent | 3.89 |
Rakion | 3D MMO | Fantasy | Low | Low | Fair | 3.71 |
RAN Online | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Low | Medium | Fair | 3.03 |
Rappelz | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | High | Medium | Good | 3.34 |
RayCity | 3D MMO | Racing | Medium | High | Good | 3.85 |
Red Cliff | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Low | Medium | Good | 3.07 |
Red Stone | 2D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | Medium | Fair | 2.83 |
Red War | SHUT DOWN | Fantasy | Medium | Medium | Poor | 2.27 |
Regnum Online | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | Medium | Good | 3.51 |
Requiem | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | Medium | Good | 3.94 |
Return of Warrior | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Low | Medium | Good | 2.95 |
RF Online | 3D MMORPG | Sci-Fi | Medium | Medium | Good | 3.70 |
Robo Smasher | 3D MMO | Shooter | Low | Low | Poor | 2.64 |
Rohan Online | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | Low | Great | 3.78 |
Rose Online | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Low | High | Good | 3.89 |
Rumble Fighter | 3D MMO | Sports | Medium | Medium | Good | 3.76 |
Runes of Magic | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | High | Medium | Excellent | 3.77 |
S4 League | 3D MMO | Shooter | High | Medium | Great | 4.00 |
Saga | 3D MMO | Fantasy | Low | Low | Fair | 2.82 |
Savage 2 | 3D MMO | Fantasy | Low | Low | Excellent | 4.03 |
Scions of Fate | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Low | Low | Fair | 3.45 |
Seal Online | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Low | Medium | Good | 3.12 |
Second Life | 3D MMO | Fantasy | Very High | Low | Great | 3.48 |
Secondhand Lands | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Low | Medium | Fair | 2.48 |
Secret of The Solstice | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | Medium | Good | 3.10 |
Shadow of Legend | 2D MMORPG | Fantasy | Low | Medium | Fair | 2.41 |
Shaiya | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | Medium | Good | 3.49 |
Sho Online | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | Medium | Good | 2.84 |
Shot Online | 3D MMO | Sports | Medium | High | Great | 2.79 |
ShowUp | 3D MMO | Sports | Low | Medium | Good | 3.53 |
Silkroad Online | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Very High | Low | Good | 3.68 |
Slapshot | SHUT DOWN | Sports | Low | Medium | Poor | 3.03 |
Smash Online | SHUT DOWN | Sports | Low | Medium | Fair | 3.00 |
Soldier Front | 3D MMO | Shooter | High | Low | Fair | 3.14 |
Soul Master | SHUT DOWN | Fantasy | Medium | Medium | Great | 3.78 |
Soul of the Ultimate Nation | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | High | High | Great | 3.92 |
Soul Order Online | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | High | Fair | 3.79 |
Splash Fighters | 3D MMO | Sports | Low | Low | Fair | 2.92 |
Stone Age 2 | SHUT DOWN | Fantasy | Low | Low | Poor | 2.08 |
Sudden Attack | 3D MMO | Shooter | Medium | Medium | Good | 3.30 |
Super Dance Online (SDO) | 3D MMO | Sports | Medium | Medium | Fair | 2.79 |
Sword 2 | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | Very High | Excellent | 3.89 |
Tales of Fantasy | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | Medium | Fair | 3.50 |
Tales of Pirates | 2D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | High | Fair | 3.02 |
Tales of Pirates 2 | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | High | Fair | 2.83 |
Tales Runner | 3D MMO | Racing | Low | Low | Good | 3.81 |
Talisman Online | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | Low | Fair | 3.49 |
Tantra Online | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Low | Very High | Fair | 3.20 |
The Chronicles of Spellborn | SHUT DOWN | Fantasy | Low | Low | Good | 3.62 |
The Hunter | 3D MMO | Sports | Low | Low | Good | 3.63 |
The Legend of Ares | SHUT DOWN | Fantasy | Low | Medium | Good | 3.13 |
The Legend of Mir 3 | 2D MMORPG | Fantasy | Low | Low | Fair | 1.98 |
The Lord of the Rings Online | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | High | Medium | Great | 3.99 |
The Warlords | 2D MMORPG | Fantasy | High | High | Fair | 2.53 |
Three Kingdoms: The Battle Begins | SHUT DOWN | Fantasy | Low | High | Fair | 2.96 |
Tibia | 2D MMORPG | Fantasy | Very High | High | Fair | 3.03 |
TrackMania Nations Forever | 3D MMO | Racing | High | Medium | Good | 3.89 |
Trickster Online | 2D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | Medium | Good | 3.65 |
Turf Battles | SHUT DOWN | Fantasy | Medium | High | Fair | 2.89 |
Twelve Sky | SHUT DOWN | Fantasy | Low | High | Good | 3.45 |
Twelve Sky 2 | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | High | High | Good | 3.89 |
Uncharted Waters Online | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | Low | Good | 3.80 |
Upshift StrikeRacer | 3D MMO | Racing | Low | Low | Fair | 3.89 |
Valkyrie Sky | SHUT DOWN | Shooter | High | Low | Good | 3.61 |
Vanilla Gate | SHUT DOWN | Fantasy | Low | Low | Poor | 2.31 |
Vindictus | 3D MMO | Fantasy | High | Medium | Excellent | 4.14 |
Voyage Century | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | High | High | Great | 3.58 |
War of Angels | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | Medium | Good | 3.75 |
War Rock | 3D MMO | Shooter | High | Low | Good | 2.82 |
Warrior Epic | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | Low | Good | 2.48 |
Warriors of the Three Kingdoms | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | High | Good | 3.46 |
Water Margin Online | 2D MMORPG | Fantasy | Low | Low | Poor | 2.21 |
Wind Slayer | 2D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | Medium | Good | 3.03 |
With Your Destiny (WYD) | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | Very High | Fair | 3.01 |
Wizard101 | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | High | Medium | Good | 3.00 |
Wolfteam | 3D MMO | Shooter | Medium | Medium | Great | 3.88 |
WonderKing | 2D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | Medium | Great | 3.87 |
Wonderland Online | 2D MMORPG | Fantasy | High | Medium | Good | 3.49 |
World of Kung Fu | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | Medium | Great | 3.61 |
World of Tanks | 3D MMO | Shooter | High | High | Good | 3.87 |
Xiah Rebirth | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Low | Low | Poor | 2.16 |
Zentia | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Medium | Medium | Good | 3.58 |
Zero Online | 2D MMORPG | Sci-Fi | Medium | Very High | Good | 3.10 |
Zodiac Online | 2D MMORPG | Fantasy | Low | Medium | Good | 2.61 |
Zone 4: Fight District | 3D MMORPG | Sports | Medium | Medium | Good | 3.52 |
Zu Online | 3D MMORPG | Fantasy | Low | High | Good | 3.29 |
Free mmorpg list
1 Fiesta online
2 4Story
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2 4Story
4 MU online
5 Zenita online
6 Dragon Oath
7 Diablo2 online
8 Lineage2
9 Tera online
10 Perfect world
11 Gates of Andaron
12 12Sky
14 Rohan Blood Feud
15Jade Dynasty online
16 Divine Souls online
17Aika online
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12Sky online
“TwelveSky 2” is an adrenaline-pumping Massively Multiplayer Online Role Play Game (MMORPG). Set in Ancient China, players are thrown into an age old conflict between three warring Clans. Centered on the reemergence of a new faction, players must fight for the honor
sâmbătă, 25 decembrie 2010
Este un joc care te duce intr-o lume fantastica cu orase pitoresti si peisaje impresionante, jocul este un MMORPG.
Jocul nu necesita un PC performant(WindowsXP,2000).
L-am jucat si eu timp de un 1 an ,si chiar mi-a placut.
Jocul nu necesita un PC performant(WindowsXP,2000).
L-am jucat si eu timp de un 1 an ,si chiar mi-a placut.
Risen este un joc creat de Pirania Bhites,Deep Silver si Genega,jocul este aparut in 2009 si necesita 2Gb si un procesor Intel Pentium 4 , DirectX9.1 compatibil cu cardurilw grafice nVIDIA,GFORCE,8800/ATI Radeon,HD2900.
Jocul are 60 de ore de gameplay,are o atmosfera magica care te duce itro lume fantastica in care orice decizie iei trebuie sa ti-o asumi.(Actiunea jocului are loc pe o insula destul de maricica cu niste orase epice demne de vizitat unde gasiti foarte multe questuri.
Jocul are 60 de ore de gameplay,are o atmosfera magica care te duce itro lume fantastica in care orice decizie iei trebuie sa ti-o asumi.(Actiunea jocului are loc pe o insula destul de maricica cu niste orase epice demne de vizitat unde gasiti foarte multe questuri.
Susține una din cele doua națiuni ale jocului renumit(4story)
Ca să joci 4Story vei avea nevoie de un cont. Dacă nu te-ai înregistrat încă poţi face asta la începutul paginii( necesita sistemul windows xp,2000(profesional)si 2,5Gb pentru hard disk+605ram,necesita versiunea DirectX 9.0c si minimum placa video GeForce4 MX440 64Mb.Este un joc destul de cunoscut gen fantasy mmorpg 3D game
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